June 22-25, 2025, HUNGEXPO, Budapest, Hungary

Registration Fees

*ERS Junior membership will cease at the end of the calendar year (Dec 31st) when a member turns 35. All Junior registrants must submit proof of their date of birth. The document can be uploaded at the time of registering or sent by email to info@ers-isian2025.com

** Low/Lower – Middle Income Countries are defined according to the table below. ​All Low/Lower – Middle Income Country registrants must submit proof of their country of residence by way of letter from their Department or Institution. The document can be uploaded at the time of registering or sent by email to info@ers-isian2025.com

Group Registration

If you wish to register 10 or more delegates at once, please contact registration@ers-isian2025.com

  1. It is necessary to send the following details for each group registration: Title (Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms), Last Name, First Name, email address, country & registration type
  2. E-mail addresses are necessary for participants to:
    1. receive information on their participation
    2. receive their unique registration number
    3. access the interactive programme planner
    4. evaluate the congress & receive their certificates
    5. access the live webcast & on-demand content

Cancellation Policy

The terms are valid for all registration fees, individual or groups, (congress & educational courses) as well as for all tickets for the networking events.

Registration cancellations received in writing to the registration@ers-isian2025.com, will be accepted and fees refunded as follows:

  1. Cancellation before and on October 21, 2024: handling fee (60€)
  2. Cancellation between October 22, 2024 – February 27, 2025: 75% refund
  3. Cancellation between February 28, 2025 – April 19, 2025: 50% refund
  4. Cancellation after April 19, 2025: no refund. However, transfer of your registration to another person is acceptable.
  5. No refunds will be made for non-attendance at ERS-ISIAN 2025.

All refunds will be processed after the ERS-ISIAN Congress 2025.

For lost badges €50 per badge will apply.

Payment Terms

  1. Booked registration fees are binding and must be paid in advance.
  2. Payments can be done via bank transfer or credit card (Visa, Mastercard). Any bank charges will be charged to the payer.
  3. Registration fees depend on the date your payment is received and will be adjusted accordingly, if the payment is not received by the relevant deadline.

Liability, Data Protection and Privacy

  1. ERS has commissioned FREI SA with the handling of the registration for the ERS-ISIAN 2025 The attendance at the congress thereof forms a contract between the delegate and ERS.
  2. FREI SA acts as P.C.O. and cannot be responsible for any loss, injury or damage to any person or property, whatever the cause may be. All participants are responsible for their own travel and health insurance.
  3. All participants are responsible for their visa arrangements and for all costs incurred.
  4. FREI SA acts according to the ERS Terms and Conditions
  5. All information requested in the registration form is for use in compliance with applicable international privacy protection legislation.
  6. Only written agreements are valid.
  7. The Registration Management retains the right for any changes deemed necessary.

By completing the online registration form you confirm that you have read and accepted the booking conditions and the cancellation/alteration policies of the ERS-ISIAN 2025


All modifications should be communicated to FREI SA in writing via e-mail to ers2025@frei.gr. Name changes are accepted and free of charge until May 1, 2025. After this date an administrative fee of 30€ per name change will be applied.


  • Admission to scientific sessions
  • Admission to exhibition and poster viewing
  • All Congress materials
  • Tea/coffee and lunch
  • An invitation to the Welcome Reception
  • Certificate of Attendance
  • Use of the meeting app
  • Registration fees include VAT

Low – Middle Income Countries

Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau Papa New Guinea
Albania Guyana Paraguay
Algeria Haiti Rwanda
Angola Honduras Saint Helena
Antigua and Barbuda Iraq Saint Kitts and Nevis
Armenia Jamaica Saint Lucia
Bangladesh Jordan Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belize Kenya Samoa
Benin Kiribati São Tome and Principe
Bhutan Korea (Democratic People’s
Republic of)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Kosovo Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kyrgyzstan Seychelles
Botswana Lao People’s Democratic Republic Sierra Leone
Burkina Faso Lesotho Solomon Islands
Burundi Liberia Somalia
Cabo Verde Libya South Sudan
Cambodia Macedonia (the former Yugoslav
Republic of)
Sri Lanka
Cameroon Madagascar Sudan
Central African Republic Malawi Suriname
Chad Maldives Swaziland
Comoros Mali Syrian Arab Republic
Congo (Democratic Republic of) Marshall Islands Tajikistan
Congo (Republic of/Congo Brazzaville) Mauritania Tanzania (United Republic of)
Cook Islands Mauritius Timor-Leste
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia (Federated States of) Togo
Djibouti Moldova (Republic of) Tokelau
Dominica Mongolia Tonga
Egypt Montenegro Tunisia
El Salvador Morocco Tuvalu
Equatorial Guinea Mozambique Uganda
Eritrea Myanmar Ukraine
Ethiopia Namibia Uzbekistan
Fiji Nauru Vanuatu
Gabon Nepal Vietnam
Gambia, the Nicaragua West Bank and Gaza Strip
Georgia Niger Yemen
Ghana Nigeria Zambia
Grenada Niue Zimbabwe
Guatemala Pakistan
Guinea Palau